Annual Notifications
Glastonbury Public Schools is obligated to provide annual notice to families and employees regarding the information and policies linked on this page.
Please note that all Board of Education Policies and Regulations can be found on our Glastonbury Public Schools Board of Education Policy website.
Asbestos Notification: Please see our Hazardous Materials in Schools Policy and Regulation.
Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace: Please see our Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace Policy.
Free and Reduced-Price Meals Eligibility: Please see our Free or Reduced Price Regulation and our Free and Reduced Meals Program website which includes all necessary information and forms. Although meals are free this year, families are strongly encouraged to complete a free and reduced meal application if they fit income guidelines. Additional benefits and discounts are often provided through the application.
Green Cleaning Products and Indoor Air Quality: Please see the Safer Working Conditions Policy and Regulation. Information can also be found on our Environmental Health and Safety Website.
Management Plan for Food Allergies, Glycogen Storage Disease, and/or Diabetes: Please see our Students with Food Allergies, Glycogen Storage Disease, and/or Diabetes Policy and Regulation.
Pesticide Application on School Property/Notification: Please see our Pesticide Application on School Property/Notification Policy and Regulation.
Safe School Climate Plan: Our district’s Safe School Climate Plan addresses bullying and is available on each school’s website, is referenced in school handbooks, and is available by clicking here: Safe School Climate Plan.
Section 504: Notification of Rights, Grievance Procedure and Coordinator Information: Please see our BOE Compliance with 504 Policy and Regulation as well as our Non-Discrimination Policy webpage.
Student Discipline: Please see our Student Discipline/Exclusion Policy and Recommendation.
Student Records and Data Privacy: Please see our Student Records and Confidentiality Policy and Regulations and our On-Campus Recruitment Policy and Regulation. In addition, please click here for a list of web-based systems with which the district has entered into a data privacy contract.
Survey of Students: Please see our Survey of Students Policy.