Free Meals Program

Free Meals

Many families are directly certified for free school meals by the state (through programs such as SNAP and Medicaid). The School Foods Department will reach out to these families regarding free school meals. 

Other families who feel they qualify for free meals based on income, may complete an application. Visit our Free Meals Program page for more information. 

In 2024-2025, lunch meals will be provided at no cost to students eligible for reduced-priced meals. Please contact the Food Service Department at 860-652-7949 with any questions.

Complete Meals

Due to federal guidelines, free meals must be complete meals. A complete meal includes 3 out of 5 required meal components which are:  whole grain, protein, fruit, vegetable, and milk. If students want only milk or water or any a la carte item to have with a meal brought from home, we will need to charge their school meal account or they may pay cash

For Families in Need of Financial Assistance

We encourage families in need of financial assistance to complete and submit the confidential Free Meal Application if they have not done so already. The free meals data is also  used for eligibility for benefits, funding, and grants for many programs. Also, you may qualify for SNAP or HUSKY Medicaid benefits. 

GPS Meal application flyer.pdf

Free and Reduced Meal Program Frequently Asked Questions 

Q:  How do I get free or reduced price school meals for my child?

A:  If your total household income is the same or below the amount on the Reduced Price Income Chart, your child may get either free meals or reduced price meals. You must complete the free and reduced price school meal application in hard copy, OR, if you receive SNAP benefits or Temporary Family Assistance (TFA), the Department of Social Services will notify the school district electronically with this information. If your child does receive one of theses State assistance programs and is not currently receiving free meals, please contact our food service department directly.

Q:  If I was receiving Free and Reduced meals last year will I automatically continue with the same status the following school year? 

A:  No, a new application is required for each school year. If you were receiving free or reduced meals last year that status will carry over for 30 days of the new school year. If after 30 days a new application was not submitted the student(s) will revert back to paid status until the application is received and processed.

Q:  Do I need to fill out an application for each child in my household?

A:  No. You may complete one application for all the children in your household. Be sure to list all current students in the student information section of the form. Students listed in this section do not to be noted again in the household portion of the form.

Q:  What income needs to be reported?

A:The income of all person(s) living in the home of the students needs to be listed. This would include any monies coming into the home in the form of wages, unemployment, pension, child support, etc.

Q:  What food items are covered by the free and reduced meal program?

A:  Reimbursable meals are the only food items covered by the free and reduced meal program. A reimbursable meal is composed of at least 3 of the following 5 food groups: Milk, Protein, Starch, Vegetable and Fruit. The child needs to include three of these items on each meal tray in order for his/her meal to be considered a reimbursable meal therefore making it acceptable for the free/reduced program. The free and reduced program does not cover a la carte items such as snacks, juice, etc.