Teaching and Learning

 Welcome to Teaching and Learning at Glastonbury Public Schools 

As a PreK-12 learning community, our goal is for every graduate to develop important skills that will help them to be successful now and in the future. We empower students to be active learners, curious thinkers, resilient individuals, and compassionate citizens. Across the district, our dedicated educators provide engaging lessons and activities that meet the individual needs of students. 

Click on any of these icons to learn more about teaching and learning at Glastonbury Public Schools.
You will find additional links further down this page.

image of poster with two sections. Upper section has text "Good Teaching" surrounded by a circle of words connected by arrows. The bottom section has the word "Active Learning" surrounded by 5 words with arrows pointing in and out toward the center.
image with an icon of a teacher with 3 students and yellow stars with text that reads "Glastonbury Public Schools Play-Based Learning"
Graphic image of an umbrella with the GPS logo. Under it reads, "MTSS multi-tiered system of supports. Social-emotional, academic, behavior, attendance."
image of magnifying glass and internet symbol with text that reads Glastonbury Public Schools Purposeful Use of Technology
Image with district logo in middle and a purple sweeping circle titled "Restorative Practices." Around the circle are the words Connecting, Building, Learning, Thriving.
logo with large letters STEAM with drawings inside and text:  Glastonbury Public Schools

Kate Lund

Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction



Nancy Collins

Executive Assistant

