Kindergarten Orientation
Welcome to Glastonbury Public Schools Kindergarten
We look forward to meeting you and your incoming kindergarten student! We hope you will find helpful information on this page. If you cannot find the answers to your questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your elementary school.
Kindergarten Placement Survey
Please be sure to complete the "Getting to Know Your Child" survey for us! We will use the information below to help in your child’s kindergarten class placement.
Kindergarten Visitation Notice
Each school will host kindergarten parents during the month of May. This is a great opportunity for parents and children to meet the kindergarten teachers and future classmates and to get to know our school.
Those parents who have completed their child's registration will receive an email from the school principal inviting them to sign up for a visitation slot. Please call your school's office if you have any questions. The visitation dates are listed here, for reference.
2025 Kindergarten Visitation Dates
Buttonball Lane School: May 14 from 1:45-2:15 pm or 2:30-3:00 pm
Hebron Avenue School: May 14 from 2:15-2:45 pm or 3:00-3:30 pm
Hopewell School: May 14 from 2:00-2:30 pm or 2:45-3:15 pm
Naubuc School: May 14 from 1:45-2:15 pm or 2:30-3:00 pm
Nayaug School: May 14 from 2:15-3:00 pm or May 21 from 2:15-3:00 pm
Kindergarten Learning
In Kindergarten, our schools strive to meet the social, emotional and academic needs of students through:
Kindergarten curriculum
Exploration and structured play
Character education (social emotional learning, responsibility, caring, safety, etc.)
Lunch and recess with peers
Buddy classes with older elementary students
District approved field trips
Kindergarten Curriculum
Our kindergarten curriculum is guided by state and national standards. Teachers work together with tutors and paraprofessionals to provide instruction that meets the individual needs of each student.
Our Kindergarten Curriculum is robust and engaging. It includes:
Literacy Stations/Instruction and Reader's and Writer's Workshop
Math Stations/Instruction
Science and Social Studies Instruction/Projects/Engineering Tasks
Weekly Specials which include Physical Education, Art, Music, Library
Integration of technology with computers and one-to-one iPads
For more detailed information, please click here for our Glastonbury School Kindergarten Curriculum Overview.
Getting to Know Your Child
Please help us to get to know your incoming kindergartener. Click below to complete our quick parent survey. We will use this information to help in your child’s kindergarten class placement. We strive to balance our class rosters across several aspects (personalities, special needs etc.).
Getting Ready for Kindergarten
Below you will find listed some skills and behaviors your child can practice to help ensure a successful start to kindergarten. In addition, the State of Connecticut provides this What Parents Should Know About Kindergarten document to help answer your questions.
Practice sharing, taking turns, and cooperating with others.
Practice self-help skills. (Using bathroom, washing hands, dressing self, zipping zippers, buttoning buttons, cleaning up after self, using tissues, and asking for help when needed.)
Practice following simple directions/rules.
Practice recognizing his/her name in print. (This will help your child find their cubby, coat hook, etc.)
Practice using scissors, glue, markers, pencils, and crayons.
Look at books, listen to stories, practice nursery rhymes and rhyming songs.
Practice recognizing some letters, letter sounds, and numbers.
Try new things and meet and interact with other children and adults.
Home-to-School Communication
Regular communication with parents and guardians is one of the keys to student success at Glastonbury Public Schools. Resources such as our district and school website, parent notification system, and school newsletters enhance our ability to communicate in an effective and timely manner.
Kindergarten teachers will be in regular communication with parents and guardians as well. Many of our kindergarten teachers use email and the SeeSaw app to communicate with families. You will learn more about the app from your child’s teacher.
We strive to provide quality communications that are consistent, efficient, effective, and both environmentally and budget friendly. Click here for a complete description of how you can stay up to date with district, school, and class information.
Typical Kindergarten Day
Kindergarten schedules will vary, but the typical day will include the following. Teachers will share specific classroom schedules and routines during Parent Night.
Morning Meeting/Circle Time
Writer’s Workshop
Literacy Work Stations (Science and Social Studies integrated during literacy lessons.)
Reader’s Workshop
Free Choice/Play
Recess & Lunch
Story time
Math Lesson/Math Work Stations
Specials: Art, Music, Health/PE, and Library each once a week
Frequently Asked Questions
When will I find out who my child’s teacher is?
An email is sent to all families in late July/early August with your child’s class placement. Teachers often follow-up with a letter introducing themselves to your child before school starts. A great deal of communication from the district and school is sent via our Parent Notification system, which uses the email addresses and phone numbers that were provided in the online Registration System.
How will I find out bus numbers and routes?
An email is sent to all families in August with your child’s bus number and bus route to and from school. You can contact transportation directly at (860) 652-7295 with any questions or visit our district’s Transportation webpage for more information. Kindergartners are also mailed name tags to wear during the first week of school. The name tag identifies his/her specific transportation to and from school.
When is the Meet and Greet event for Kindergarten students and their families?
Please check your school's home page calendar for the Meet & Greet day and time. It is generally held in the morning on the day before school starts. At this event, children and parents will meet the teacher, become familiar with the classroom, and take a short ride around the parking lot on the school bus. A Parent Night (for parents and guardians only) is held in mid-September. At Parent Night, you will learn more about classroom-specific information from the teacher and receive an overview of the Kindergarten curriculum.
What should my child wear to school?
Your child should wear comfortable clothes. When clothing is selected, please check for easy zippers and comfortable size for shoes and boots. Remember that water play, painting, and other activities can be messy and result in soiled clothing. Please provide a smock for these activities and sneakers for gym day. Children go out to recess regularly and appropriate outside clothing is necessary. Labeling outerwear with your child’s name is essential.
What are the half-day Wednesdays?
On Wednesdays in the fall and spring months, K-5 elementary students are released early to provide staff with professional development training. Please visit our district’s early release days page on the website. The district’s calendar page will also be a valuable resource for you. These calendars will show you an overview of the entire school year.
When are specials classes (art, music, health/physical education, library)?
A valuable resource for you will be the teacher’s website. These websites include important information including the specials schedule.
Can my kindergarten student buy hot lunch?
Yes. Kindergarteners usually start buying lunch during the first couple of weeks of school. Your school/teacher will let you know when they can begin. School meal information is located on the Food Service section of our website. You will also find information about the free/reduced meals program on that page.
How are school delays and closings announced?
Early morning inclement weather closings and delays will be sent to the parent/guardian email address only. Parent Notification System messages are sent to registered email addresses and phone numbers for early dismissals. The district’s Emergency and Inclement Weather Closing, Delays, and Early Dismissals page will provide you all relevant information.
What are the physical exam & immunization requirements for my child?
Connecticut State law requires that all students have a physical examination and meet immunization requirements prior to entrance into school. The physical must have been done within one year of school entry. If your child has already had the required examination, we ask that you submit the completed State of CT Health Assessment Form as soon as possible. If not, you may return the health form to the school health office at a later date. However, every student must have proof of both the physical and immunization requirement before entering school on opening day. This state mandate is in the best interest of all students and we thank you for your cooperation.
Immunizations: Please visit our Health Offices pages of our website for more information. The State of Connecticut Health Assessment Record form also includes a detailed description of all immunization requirements for newly enrolled students at Connecticut Schools.
When will I be able to confer with my child’s teacher about his/her progress in school?
Parents are encouraged to contact the classroom teacher at any time during the school year. Two scheduled parent-teacher conferences are held: one during November, and the second during March. Progress reports are emailed two times per year - February and June.
NOTE: Each elementary school publishes a school handbook that is posted on the school web page. The handbooks include school-specific information as well as school/district policies, for example: school hours, student pick-up/drop-off routines, how to report an absence, attendance, school security, school lunch information, positive behavioral interventions and supports, health room information. Please review the most current handbook prior to the start of school for the most up-to-date information.
iPads in Kindergarten
Kindergarten students use iPads sparingly. Face-to-face interactions and paper-pencil tasks anchor their daily lessons. Early education activities center around play, movement, exploration, kinesthetic learning (learning-by-doing), and the development of fine motor, gross motor, problem-solving, and social skills.
Teachers supervise the limited use of age-appropriate iPad apps to support interactive and creative learning. Instructional apps and tools may include:
Lexia Core 5 for personalized foundational literacy skill support
SeeSaw for portfolios, reflections, and learning tasks
Pebble Go Create for discovering science, language arts, and social studies content
For more information about Glastonbury Public Schools' commitment to purposeful technology use, please visit our K-5 iPad Guidelines webpage.