Bids and RFPs

Please scroll to the bottom of this page or call the Office of the Finance Manager at 860 652-7941 for information on active Bids, RFPs, or Quotes. Please note that in order to receive Addendums to any of the bids that you may download from this page it is the contractors/vendors responsibility to contact the Central Office to be added to the bidder list for that bid.

Statement of Purpose

The Glastonbury Public Schools is committed to the procurement of quality goods and services in a cost-effective and timely manner while adhering to legal and ethical requirements as established by local, state, and federal laws and regulations, sound internal controls and professional purchasing principles.

Invitation to Bid

Bid/RFP forms may be obtained at the Glastonbury Public Schools Central Office, 628 Hebron Avenue, Building #2, Glastonbury, CT 06033 or downloaded from this website, below. Please click on the bid name to access the attached bid specification packet. All sealed bids must be submitted to the Office of the Finance Manager no later than the time and date indicated for each category. All bids will be publicly opened and read.

The Glastonbury Board of Education reserves the right to waive informalities or reject any part of, or the entire bid, when said action is deemed to be in the best interests of the Glastonbury Board of Education. Quality, quantity, delivery, price, and discount terms will play an important part in determining the award.

Code of Ethics

Bidder is required to review the Town of Glastonbury Code of Ethics adopted July 8, 2003 and effective August 1, 2003. Bidder shall acknowledge that they have reviewed the document in the area provided on the bid/proposal response page. The selected Bidder will also be required to complete and sign an Acknowledgement Form prior to award.

Active Solicitations and Addendums 

Bid # and Description:   

Date Advertised:  

Due Date and Time:   

Please notify the Purchasing Department by emailing Jen Busiere to confirm download of any solicitation documents. This will insure your contact information is updated and maintained for prompt notification of any changes or addendums to solicitations. Further it is the respondent's responsibility to check the website for addenda prior to submission of any proposal.


Responses shall be submitted on the Glastonbury Public Schools proposal form. Proposal forms and specifications may be downloaded from the link above as well as obtained from the Finance Officer at the address located below. Please note that all responses must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked:

SEALED BID (Insert Bid #, Bid Name, Date and Time) 

Sealed responses must be addressed to:

Glastonbury Board of Education

Attn: Purchasing

628 Hebron Avenue

P.O. Box 191

Glastonbury CT 06033

Responses will be opened and read aloud at the Board of Education at the specified time and date detailed in the Bid/RFP. Please contact the Finance Office at (860) 652-7941 for additional information.