2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Be Kind. Be Curious. Be Well. Our district tagline captures the focus and direction of the Glastonbury Public Schools Sixth Generation Strategic Plan. The plan voices the district mission, core values, beliefs about learning, and vision of the graduate (the “why”), our strategic goals (the “what”), and our action plan (the “how”).
Student success is the essence of our work. As a preK-12 learning community, our goal is for every graduate to develop important skills that will help them to be successful now and in the future. We will empower students to be active learners, curious thinkers, resilient individuals, and compassionate citizens.
The Board of Education lists our specific powers and duties in our bylaws. First on that list is the responsibility to set goals and objectives for the district and to annually review progress toward meeting those goals and objectives. In addition, the Board is responsible for adopting revisions in the curriculum upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools. Thus, over the next five years, many of the actions and strategies identified herein will come to the Board for review and approval. We will see program and school reports, curricular and policy changes, new course proposals, and budget requests.
The strategic plan sets forth a shared understanding for our community to support the educational practices of Glastonbury Public Schools. We offer sincere thanks to the educators who worked passionately to develop this plan.
—Glastonbury Board of Education, July 10, 2023
Glastonbury Public Schools empowers all students to be active learners and compassionate individuals who thrive in our global community.
Core Values
Be Kind. We value and develop respectful, caring relationships within an inclusive school environment. We are committed to ensuring that every student feels that they belong, are understood, and are valued.
Be Curious. Curiosity is at the heart of learning. By nurturing students to be curious about others and the world around them, we lay the foundation for students to be active learners who pursue their individual goals, passions, and interests.
Be Well. We support our school community by being role models of healthy behavior and good decision-making. Social, emotional, and physical well-being are all important components of educating the whole child.
Beliefs About Learning
We believe that:
All students learn when they feel safe, included, respected, and valued by their community.
All students need to feel challenged and supported to learn at high levels.
Successful educators cultivate curiosity and joy in learning.
Learning takes place in a cycle that includes goal setting, assessment, reflection, and feedback.
Learning is most effective when there are multiple access points and opportunities for students to be advocates of their own learning.
Students are engaged and empowered by choice and authentic learning experiences.
Strategic Goals
Goal 1: Promote active learning and high expectations for all students.
Goal 2: Provide safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environments.
Goal 3: Prioritize the health and well-being of students and staff.
Goal 1:
Promote active learning and high expectations for all students.
Theory of Action: If we thoughtfully design instruction that is responsive and student-centered, all students will be active participants who own their learning and are able to achieve their personal goals.
Click arrow for actions and strategies
Goal 1 Actions/Strategies
Create and communicate a shared vision of high-quality, student-centered instruction.
Collect, analyze, and reflect on student data to drive revisions to curriculum and instructional practices.
Align educator evaluation process and expectations to shared vision of high-quality instruction.
Implement an updated process for district curriculum development and revision.
Review and revise curriculum documents to ensure opportunities for active learning across all subject areas and grade levels.
Provide opportunities across preK-12 for students to learn, practice, and get feedback on the transferable skills in the Vision of the Graduate.
Guarantee high-quality, personalized professional learning opportunities tailored to meet the specific needs of staff.
Ensure teachers and students have resources to support high-quality instruction, including tools, technology, equipment, and materials.
Goal 2:
Provide safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environments.
Theory of Action: If we create and maintain learning environments in which each member of the community is safe, supported, and included, all students and staff will be able to achieve at high levels.
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Goal 2 Actions/Strategies
Maintain physical environments that are physically safe and accessible.
Provide professional learning opportunities around inclusive practices, including Universal Design for Learning, differentiated instruction, and other strategies to accommodate diverse learning needs.
Convene and/or establish essential committees and councils at each building, inclusive of staff and administrators to increase collaboration among and across schools.
Ensure that all students have access to multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) for academic and social-emotional growth.
Revise curricula to reflect the diverse needs and interests of students and their changing world.
Grow partnerships with families to support student learning.
Engage all staff in professional learning opportunities around collaborative problem solving and restorative practices.
Goal 3:
Prioritize the health and well-being of students and staff.
Theory of Action: If we provide robust opportunities to develop the health and well-being of each individual, all members of the school community will thrive.
Click arrow for actions and strategies
Goal 3 Actions/Strategies
Provide appropriate resources and support for learners who require additional opportunities for social emotional learning and mental health support.
Implement consistent, equitable wellness initiatives for staff across buildings.
Build capacity of students and staff to develop and practice skills in self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
Maintain relationships with community partners such as Youth and Family Services and Parks and Recreation.
Support physical well-being of all students and staff.
Create guidelines for the safe, effective use of technology by students and staff.
Work with the community to ensure continuation/expansion of resource assistance programs for students and families in need.