Grades 1-12

Welcome to the Glastonbury Schools!

Please see the information below to register a new student in grades 1 through 12 at one of Glastonbury's public schools. If you have any questions, please contact the registrar at or 860-652-7940.

If your student is a Glastonbury resident, he/she must be registered with our school system, even if he/she plans to enroll at a regional magnet school.

Register Your Grade 1-12 Student

Please review and follow the three steps.

1. Carefully review the following: 

Residency Requirements Policy and Regulations 5118  

Elementary School District by Street (to find your home elementary school if needed) 

2. Complete the Online New Student Pre-Registration process: 

Click on the Pre-Register button below. You will create a new account first. Save your login information in case you need to return to this site. Please note, your registration is not complete until you have completed step #3. 

3. NEW! Special COVID-19 Safety Protocol for Step 3: 

Instead of scheduling an in-person appointment, please email the registrar to let her know you have completed step  2 online pre-registration.  Please include your child(rens) name(s) and indicate whether you have loaded up the necessary forms into the program or if you will email the forms to her. The registrar will contact you to let you know when the registration process is complete. Send any email to:

*Please continue with the registration process even if the health form is not yet complete. Submit this form as soon as possible, as the health record must be on file prior to the student's first day of school; but do not delay the registration process while waiting to complete the physical exam.

Families with Unstable Housing

image of backpacks with text "school is for matter what. and the CSDE logo

Your housing situation may be unsteady right now, but no matter what, your child always has a place in school. Reach out for confidential help and support. Learn more at If you are experiencing homelessness or unstable housing, please contact Administrator for Pupil Services Kimberly Brown for confidential help.

Tu situación de vivienda puede ser inestable ahora mismo, pero tu hijo siempre tendrá un lugar en la escuela. Conéctate por ayuda y apoyo. Si no tiene hogar o tiene una vivienda inestable, comuníquese con la Administradora de Servicios Estudiantiles, Kimberly Brown, para obtener ayuda confidencial.