School Meal Accounts
Our district has changed our meal payment system. The new system is SchoolCafé. is no longer available. Account balances have been carried into the new system.
Click the link above to enter the SchoolCafé website.
Please follow these instructions for registering, making payments, and setting up notifications in School Café. (You can register without making payments in order to track your child's meal purchases.)
There is a fee for online deposits. Balances will be carried over at the end of year. We will refund any money remaining after the last child in your family graduates or we will transfer the balance to a sibling in the school system.
After depositing funds, you may set preferences and restrictions for how those funds can be spent by your child.
SchoolCafé has a mobile app that can be downloaded. Just search for the "School Cafe Family Hub" app.
Payment Options Information
School meals can be purchased with cash, by check, or online (preferred).
Every student enters their PIN # (student ID #) when making a purchase.
Checks should be made payable to Glastonbury School Food Services with your child's name and PIN# in the memo section. If you are paying for more than one student with one payment, please clearly document how much money is to be designated to each student's account. If you do not specify, the deposit amount will be divided equally between the student accounts.