Staff Professional Development


graphic titled relationship between professional learning and student results - depicts 4 circles with double sided arrows connecting all - labeled clockwise 1) Standards-based professional learning, 2) Changes in educator knowledge, skills and dispositions, 3) Changes in educator practice, 4) Changes in student results

The professional growth of our staff is critical to the progress of our school system. All certified and non-certified staff members participate in relevant learning experiences that are connected to our Fourth Generation Strategic Plan. 

Our professional learning opportunities are developed in accordance with the national Standards for Professional Learning (SPL). The SPL logic model for professional growth illustrates our commitment to correlating professional learning and student outcomes. To ensure high quality opportunities, we evaluate our professional learning in five domains: 1) Participants’ Reactions to the Experience; 2) Participants’ Learning from the Experience; 3) Organizational Support & Change; 4) Participants’ Use of New Knowledge & Skill; and 5) Results: Student Learning Outcomes. 

Diverse opportunities are offered annually through district, school, department, and individualized means. Professional development sessions for spring and fall semesters and for summer experiences are provided across the district. Elementary certified staff is offered sessions on Wednesday afternoons through several weeks of the school year. Secondary certified staff engages in departmental and staff development sessions throughout the year. All certified staff participates in two full-day professional development programs a year, one prior to the opening day of school and one on Election Day. 

In addition, there are monthly faculty meetings that further support professional learning. The Professional Development Curriculum Council (PDCC) oversees the development, implementation and assessment of professional development. The Elementary Professional Development Committee and the Secondary Professional Development Committee provide significant input into the selection of learning opportunities. Each committee includes staff across grades and disciplines to ensure representational and diverse perspectives.

Additional opportunities are tailored to meet the unique needs of staff members. Beginning teachers participate in a multi-year process of support through the district’s Teacher Educator and Mentoring (TEAM) program. Mandated training in areas such as DCF reporting, bullying, OSHA, and Personal Management for School Teams are ensured as prescribed by state regulations. District requirements such as overnight chaperone training and technology acceptable use policies are provided.

Multiple learning venues including workshops, independent study, webinars, action research, study groups are encouraged to support optimal learning conditions and outcomes for all staff members.

Professional Development Committees

The Elementary Professional Development Committee and the Secondary Professional Development Committee provide significant input into the selection of learning opportunities. Each committee includes staff across grades and disciplines to ensure representational and diverse perspectives. The role of these committees is vital to the achievement of our Fourth Generation Strategic Plan and the development of a 21st century learning environment.

The committees are charged with the following annual responsibilities:

Long-term and ongoing goals of the committees include: